Things and the way the world works

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Things just don't turn out the way we plan them. They never do, do they?

In every phase of my life, I keep wanting to move faster. I want to quickly finish with this hurdle, ready to face the next. No, I'm not in war. I just could never wait to grow up. Even now, when I wish for nothing more than to turn back time and relive my childhood and have my innocence back, I can't wait to be at a point in my life where I have already established myself. I am happily in a rut and just going through a steady pace. I often wonder if I ever appear as uncertain, as panicky and as ruffled as I was feeling then. I often wondered if I really had a poker face whenever I wanted to put on one... It's interesting where ones mind tend to wonder about when left unattended haha.

So many things happen in our daily lives. I am already at my last semester of my degree. It feels as if I just started my degree!
3years feels short and somesay it is, compared to a lifespan but when you sit down and think about it, a lot happens, even if we are talking about a month.

Life is like the English weather. Out of the blue, it starts pouring. Or the wind picks up and starts hurling shit at you. Like all weathers though, the wind has to die down someday, the cloud will have to giveway to the Sun and each will have to take turns being the current weather.

Just like life, no one really remembers what weather we had last Wednesday. It was just another day

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