Sick of politics

Friday, March 13, 2009

i always wonder how can people leave the country they grew up in and go help built some foreign country. dont you love your own? if u dont like it, you should stay and make it better. you dont abandon it just because you think it sucks. its where you grew up for heavens sake!

but now i know how they could do what they did already. its not that they cant stay because they want to earn more money or shit. we all know that our currency is smaller. but when u are nt a citizen they treat u like shit too. so whats worse than to be a second class citizen and treated like one? it is to be a first class citizen but treated as a second class citizen. i know understand how they all can leave their love ones behind, leave everything they love and start anew in a foreign land. at least there they know that it is their place and they accept the treatment for it is appropriate. here......

sickening. people keep talking about social contracts, status quo, special priviledges,bla bla bla. both ends are breaking rules. no one is playing by the rules anymore. what makes u better than anyone else?
everyone has a personal agenda. a political gain in everything they do. all want to go out with a bang. NO ONE IS DOING THEIR JOB!!!!!
we did not elect you into the highest council of the country to put on a show. to make pigs who jump ship millionaires. to spend millions to buy votes. dude, if the people dont like u, u make their lives a living hell while u wear imported shoes and tailored suits, a billion also would not buy u ur votes. ok maybe a billion would but even you dont have that kind of money to spend on a by-election. theres spending the countrys coffers and stupidity spending the countrys coffers. i mean, the money spent is not even on yourself! its given to lay people who takes it, then goes in and vote for the opposition. u PAID them to embarass YOU!!


perhaps working like a dog for redhaired baboons is better than working for morons like our politicians