Typical Sun nite....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Here i am in Malacca, on a typical Sun night. Well, not so typical. Since when have u ever seen me study on a Sun nite? hehe. i have a paper on tuesday afternoon. The only paper standing between me and my ticket home - Penang. i wont be seeing home for a longgggggggggggg long while so... i am going to make the best of it while i can. Something else has made tonight an atypical night though.

Im sitting here just reading my boring notes and listening to Kris Allen attempting to make me melt (and succeeding) with the speakers my darling bought for me from Singapore and it kinda hit me. i love it when these things happen. I would get a question in my head for no reason other than boredom and ill be left with no answer until suddenly, it hits me.

People talk about sacrifice alot. All the time. ALOT.
Not everyone who talks about it knows what it is.
If you want to know about sacrifice, endurance,patience and love, ask those who never whine about them. THESE are the people who give real sacrifices, possess real patience and endures more than any bitching bitches out there. No one is spared from these miseries so why dont these people whine? They experience it too. They just got better things to do.

Many people tell me that i am very naive. Well, up til last 2 years la. Since then i have not spent enough time with anyone who knows me well enough who has earned that right to say it and really make me think.

Many people also tell you that to grow up, you need to fall in love. i always thought that THAT was bullshit. now not so much anymore haha. Looking back, i admit i was naive. Everything was always black or white. it has helped me in many things in my life. you dont fix something that isnt broken right?

anyone who has had a relationship can tell you that theres no such thing as black or white when it comes to people. so yeah, ive grown up.

once in awhile, my loving darling would subtly remind me that no, i am not all grown up yet. i am still naive in certain ways. very much still want to hold on to my version of the world. where theres good and there is evil. there is always accountability. there is always proper repercussions. WRONG!

my loving darling would never say it aloud. hehe probably didnt want to risk my wrath should i not like what i hear. sowee sweetie.....

somehow though,the message gets through. albeit delayed. very delayed. better late than never is my motto.

sometimes....... to really see a picture, you have to take a few steps back to get the real meaning behind it. too close can be... it creates blindspots. same goes for people

haha i bet you guys wonder where im going with this or am i just rambling again.
well.....i do have a particular reason for writing today...but im not going to say it

everytime i discover something overwhelming about my sweetest darling in the world, im compelled to share it here. now i realize its very...very lame thing to do hehe

so today i am not going to say it! but i want the world to know that my love, you have helped me answer a very very intriguing question by just being you ( he is in another country now actually) and you have helped me grow justtttttttttttttttt a little more today.

and i LOVE you because of these little things that you do!!! muakz!

missing my lil boytoy now. oh well. theres always that face to look forward to =)


Rachael Lim said...


hui Ming!!!!


the last part was very sweet... ;)

1n$aTiab13 Adventurer said...

hehe rach!
how u find me wan haha