My Baby....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

For 2months,nearly 3 months i had no aircond in my car. NO aircond! for those not living in Malacca, this "hell on earth" weather is the worst place you can be without an aircond in the car that has ovens as seats.

so on monday,i said enough is enough!

although i was broke at that time(first month of the sem i never know where my money goes wan),i drove all over town looking for an aircond shop. the past 2 months ive been scouting for aircond shops near my home so that when i wanted to do my car,i would know where. the first shop's aircond mechanic was off for the day. the second shop turned out to be a real aircond shop (the kind you put in your house,not your car) and the third shop quoted me rm220 (it was righttttt behind my house but i went all over town before reaching this one).he said he needed 2 days.i decided to let him do it but said i would comeback the next day. on the way home i saw another shop.what the heck,i went to ask.the guy quoted me rm160.i gave him my car keys hehe. it was all in mandarin so i was a bit lost in translation.he told me 2hours was all he needed. i haerd 2days i was stuck at home without a car for 2 days hehe. oh well.....lesson learned.(the first guy meant 2hours too lol)

when i picked up my car yesterday,it was c-c-c-c-cold!!!! haha
havent felt my car that cold since........this could take awhile

anyway,happy to say that this is the best rm160 ive ever spent! now i wont have to roast in my car anymore =)

my baby needs more tuning up but it can wait a lil longer.wana enjoy my newfound haven first