the real MACC

Saturday, August 1, 2009

today is Sunday. a nice day to stay in bed. i stayed there til 11am hehe. i was in a good mood,a bit hungry but have to content to a granola bar cos all breakfast is over already.....

came online planning to just check my mail.....but then...someone passed me this link.

it pisses me off. it makes me want to pick up a knife and stab all those in the video. it makes me want to do things to them. evil things. it makes me want to make them feel like the poor guy they are beating up. the site says this is a demonstration of how a MACC interrogation session looks like.

i want all of you to take a look. look at how they let these animals treat a human being. how they sleep at night is amazing.

how the people in charge allow this to happen is astounding. the nerve this people have to video tape the brutality! why have to record it? so you can rewatch your time of glory? you get off at watching a grown man cower is it? you feel proud to be able to kick a man in the face and not have him fight back? you feel powerful watching you and your goons overpowering a thin helpless man? to use a whip! he is not a donkey!

these abusers should be tied up and made to watch as their loved ones be treated like this by that man's loved ones. but that's just me

Type rest of the post here