finally, comprehension dawns on me

Saturday, September 20, 2008

During my free time, one of my fave pastimes are to just sit back with my current no 1 artist blaring from my stereo while i let my mind wonder freely without constraints. its a form of relaxation.

Without inhibitions of course, I would ponder about things that my limited knowledge based brain would find curious about. lately ive acquired this little taste for liquor. not alcohol, liquor. what is the difference, you ask? well, alcohol means you like anything that has alcohol in it. liquor means only the good stuff. ive developed a strong attraction to all the lords of hard liquor. JIm Bean.... Jhonny Walker..... Jack Daniels.... ESPECIALLY Jack Daniels! or whom i fondly call JD =D.

my sweet darling managed to get his hands on a Black Label Jhonny Walker (thank you!) at a tax free price beginning of this semester. suffice to say when i took my first sip it was overwhelming. no, i didn't get drunk( that's all you people can think of eh?) but i that was when i realized the difference between the locally brewed brandy and a famed brewed liquor. WOW.

so now one of my fave pastime has been altered a bit. i now enjoy sitting back in a comfortable position on the bed/couch and watch a good movie be it old or new WITH a glass of Jhonny Walker in my hand =D

trust me when i say that my new interest got my daddy a little worried hehe. if you are reading this daddy-o, let me RE-assure you again that i know what i am doing and i know my limit. oh and FYI: i have your genes. it takes quite a lot to knock me out lol.

anyway, the reason im writing this entry is because one of the things which i always ponder but never quite got it. i feel very relaxed and at home with a glass of heaven in my hand. why would i want to venture out in this tropical heat that we live in and make myself sit in a pub to drink with my friends where the price of 2 glasses can be used to buy a litre of whatever that i was drinking? after that, i get to stumble out of the pub, all blurry eyed and chemically induced happiness, i have to drive home. ... errr..... nah.
however, unexpectedly i got my answer.

you see, i believe i am not the only one who thinks that way. i think most girls think that way too. that is why i think girls who goes clubbing are there to dance and socialize, not to drink. guys however, are more to picking up girls( socialize la) and to prove that their manhood is er... bigger(?) than their buddies. it is like, if no one gets drunk then it is not a good night. =/

so for someone like me who doesnt like to dance( i have 2 left feet) and prefers to sit back n enjoy good entertainment and the drink, the pub isnt a place for me. until last night.

i was home doing my system, at the verge of suicidal mainly because my LOST season 3 just ended and i dont have season 4. like an addict whose last fix just ended, i was ready to kill whoever it takes to get my hands on season 4 =D

my darling came to my rescue. he wanted to go to his frens house to get movies or whatever that they have downloaded using my external. turns out that his frens are having a drinking party at their porch. knowing that i could use some de-stressing, he invited me to go along. after 3months my Jhonny Walker is still above half bottle. since im going to crash someone's drinking party i thought it is only polite to bring something.

we arrived to find 7 guys halfway through a litre of Rum( locally brewed) and 3 bottles of beer. next to their stash, my black label stood out lol. so we began drinking. its funny to sit back and watch the guys try to get their housemates drunk. hehe. there was this guy who cant hold his liquor at all. after a few glasses, he happily sits at the corner smiling to himself. no longer able to talk but if u put a cup in his hand, he will happily down it in one go. lol. eventually they carried him to his room. i knew went to stop so i was okay. the thing about happy guys is that their tongue gets loose. many things come out. we began catching up. up til now ive heard of these guys and snipets of their stories but last night i think i made 7 new friends. hehe.

so now i know. why people pay many more times than they have to to drink in a place like a pub with friends. drinking in a group is so much more fun. esp when someone has a little too much to drink =D

i still dont like pubs and would never dare to drink as much as i want to if i was drinking in one, but i think i would keep a bottle of hard liquor or two with me so that i can invite my friends over for a drinking/sleepover party. for fun's sake.